Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Promises are made to be broken.

"Thanks for hurting me when you 'promised' and said you wouldn't'"
"I told you I wasn't going to hurt you."
"But you did"
"I just needed time to think. What you do with your emotions and how you take things is not my doing."
"You're right, I only have myself to blame. I am giving you the time to think, I said it was fine if you wanted to be friends. I didn't realise how much "we could be friends" and "go do your own thing" could really hurt me.. I really didn't expect those words to come out of your mouth cos I believed you were better than that."

Ok? Ok I guess that's how we'll end things. You're so indecisive, you can't even give me an answer as to what you want from me. After waiting and giving you time all day yesterday ignoring you you said it was low of me when I accused you of hurting me. Well you did, and you broke your promise when you said you wouldn't. It's not hard giving someone an answer as to what you want. Your answer was "go do your own thing"
I thought you were better than most guys. But you're not. You're just like every male being. A liar.

I blame myself for ever having felt this way and having feelings I thought would never come to this in just a short period of days of talking to you. It isn't long, but the journey felt like an emotion of ups and downs within a relationship.

Once again, I've learnt another lesson and that is, promises are made to be broken, and boys will hurt you no matter what. I've been through this once too many times and somehow, I thought this might end up to be different, but it wasn't. In just a short period of time, it ended just like that, with an "Ok".

Thanks for nothing, Thanks for the expectations and hopes, Thanks for making me believe that it'll happen.

Thanks for the broken heart.

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