Monday, October 6, 2014

I'm back.

It's been a while since I've blogged and been here.. I was admitted to hospital with a disease last December and was there for a total of 8 months. I was diagnosed with ANTI NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. My time in hospital was probably the worst time of my life.. For both the people around me and I. No one expected me to be diagnosed with something so serious and severe that made me end up in such a state for that long. I thank my family for their love and support and for the those that aren't my family who still stuck by my side through thick and thin through the worst time in my life. Being in hospital however, I did become a stronger Marie. I've met new people and gained new experiences. I've changed as a person because of my disease and it's medication. It frustrates me. Everything really. The side effects of my medication makes me very emotional and moody and sometimes I cannot control it. I'm trying to be back to the old Marie. Or Marie 1 as people call it. Doctor says I'm 90% on my road to recovery, which is a good sign. During my time in hospital, I've been in ICU, Emergency room, Children's Ward and Brain Injury Unit. I was on life support, couldn't walk and talk, had a seizure, fell and collapsed and all that eventually faded as I pulled myself back on my feet to recovery. I was discharged about 7-8 weeks ago now. I'm currently an outpatient. I see my speech pathologist Karen, psychologist Dianne on Mondays and every second Friday table tennis and art class is held which I do attend every time. Recently, "Understanding Your Brain" group has been run by Amanda and only I, Chris and Michael sit this meeting every Monday morning at 10:30-12pm now. It's so boring and I don't find it at all useful. Thank God today was Labour Day and I had the day free of appointments. I spent the day with my family and we went to La Perouse and Maroubra. My brother, sister and Dad swam in Maroubra beach where I ended up swimming in my Uncle's apartment and we stayed for dinner tonight. It was good, we ended up watching The Voice Cambodia after HAHA. Anyways, back to my road to recovery, I've lost half of the weight I've gained from being so hungry and eating so much from medication. I blame the medication and my Dad for my weight gain. But it's coming off and I'm happy about it, although I'm not the happiest girl on earth, I am a lucky girl to have who I have in my life and to be where I am today, so I thank God and the people who's been there for all this time. I love you all. Goodbye for now.

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